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The Hult Prize was established in 2010 by Bertil Hult, and is an annual, year-long competition that crowd-sources ideas from university students around the world by challenging them to solve a pressing social issue. Topics can include climate action, food security, water access, energy, and education. Last year, the UCL Business Society Social Enterprises division successfully hosted the renowned Hult Prize. In 2018, the challenge is “Transform: Harnessing the Power of Energy”.



Energy is the lifeblood of human society. By resourcefully harnessing energy, we can transform it into clean water, food, jobs, and connectivity. The world has enough latent capacity for energy innovation to shift the trajectory of global development. The world needs more disruption that taps into those energy innovations to accomplish a second transformation: the transformation of lives. The 2018 Hult Prize is an invitation to student teams around the world to discover and develop energy innovations that can be scaled to improve the lives of millions.


As fellow teams compete against each other, refine their pitches, improve and iterate on their business models, they essentially work to create the world's largest crowdsourced arena for social and business innovation.

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