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The UCL Business Society Events team aims to provide our members with the opportunity to listen to and learn from some of the world’s leading business profiles. Some of our events have featured individuals from Virgin Atlantic, HSBC, Jimmy Choo and many more! For this year, we have planned some very exciting events for you: socials, panel talks and guest speaker events.

Competitions: Service
Rice Inc Hackathon.png

Meet The Committee

This event will occur towards the start of the first term at UCL. It is designed to provide an opportunity for students (new and current) to meet the team behind the UCL business society. We hope to gather feedback on how the society is run/what other events would be well received. This also provides members with a great time to ask older students interested in the world of business for any career/internship advice and make new friends.


Our main goal is to expose our members to diverse industries and create opportunities for them to interact with the top executives in the business world. We often collaborate with other societies in UCL and externally to organize the best possible events.

This maximises the breadth of insight that students can gain as well as ensuring that there is something of interest for everyone. Another key thing that we are focused on is the planning of social events. Our flagship one is the annual freshers pub crawl. These are a goodway to encourage members of the UCL community to start new relationships and make great friends, as well as have a lot of fun.


The year ahead is looking very exciting and we have some great events planned which should be very useful in educating members about the world of business as well as assisting them in developing a strong network.

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